Friday, November 14, 2008


Dani's elbow that is. It went missing from its assigned joint yesterday afternoon after a daring jump off the slide. Not her idea by the way. It was one of those neighborhood kids that I love so much. Dani learned a valuable lesson last night about doing what the big kids do and telling them that all of their ideas aren't that great.

The staff tried to sedate her last night at the ER but she refused to go to sleep. So she was awake when the doc put her arm back in joint. It was so gross. They asked me to leave the room, but I was able to peek through the door's window.

There is nothing worse that walking out in your backyard, seeing your child laying on the ground after a fall, and not screaming. Your heart just sinks because you know it can't be good. I think I did OK with keeping my cool. Instead of screaming, "OH MY GOD HOLY HANNAH JESUS ON A CRACKER WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM?!?!?!", I said, "Hmm... wow.... looks like you popped your arm out of joint. Let's go to the ER."

Today she is back to herself. I kept her home from school as a precaution but she is fine. A little sore and annoyed at her wrapped arm and sling. A bonus to the sling? She might quit sucking her thumb because it is too far away from her mouth.


Yo-yo Mama said...

Urk. I can only hope I would remain as calm. I've replayed that moment when XBoy was getting his xray and they had to run a catheter and he's screaming for me and I'm standing behind the window, waving and smiling and giving the thumbs up. Where do we pull the strength from?

Linda said...

Aaagh! I'm glad she's okay. I would be sick at the sight of my kid like that, just as you were. Good for you, keeping calm. That is a valuable skill!