Saturday, November 22, 2008

NaBloPoMo Obligation, and a Shout Out to my Blogging Friends

Alright. 8 more posts of NaBloPoMo after this one and I am starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Since I started this blog... hold on, I'm going to check my archives..... *elevator muzacc*.... Wow... almost 4 years ago I have rarely ever posted more than twice a week. In fact, I don't think I even posted once a week. Now, for 22 days, I have posted every day.

It's fun... it's starting to become part of my routine. When I first started this blog, I don't really know what my intention was. I remember I had read an article in one of E's Discover magazines about someone who had started making a substantial income through blogging. Click revenues I think it was. I had never heard of a blog before, so I started skimming through Blogger, the service mentioned in the article.

I thought it was a really unique way to journal. It looked fun. We were in the middle of our nonadoption at that point and by browsing using the "Next Blog" button I found Soper who was in the middle of their adoption of Moonpie. It was wonderful to find someone that I could relate to. Through her blogroll I found a lot of infertility blogs of which I could also relate. Then through their blogrolls, I found all of you. I haven't been truly lonely since.

I could always get on the computer and find someone who was going through the same frustrations, or joys as me. We commiserated together. We built each other up. We supported each other through losses. And gains. We've cried together, and laughed. And we continue to do so.

I haven't met any of you. But I feel like I know you all very well. We've gone through some of the best and worst parts of our lives together. When I talk with my RL friends I talk about the rest of you all the time. I refer to you as 'my friends' though I don't really know if the term is valid since we only know each other through our words... not even through conversations in most cases. Just a few sporadic emails following up on comments.

I'm glad that I blog. I'm glad that you all blog. I'm also glad that a couple of my RL family members found me. Hi T! Hi Lynn! I look forward to the future and reading about your lives from here on out. I hope I always have something to write about.

These past few weeks I've been wondering if I want to continue to blog more regularly. I'm still thinking about it. It's therapudic in many ways. *MOM* It is a way that I can always look back and see what I was thinking and feeling at certain points in my life. Its fulfilling.

I just need topics to write about.


T P said...

I still have not made it all the way through your blog, from the beginning. But every once in awhile, I just start reading and don't stop for awhile. It's fun knowing more than mom does!

Maybe I should start a blog. You'll get a whole new education;-)

Lynn said...

I am glad you are blogging. I think it will truly help you with your Mom and the past issues you have with her. I know since I've started blogging literally every day and sometimes several a day, I've really come out of my shell. I guess it's less intimidating to type your feelings and your ramblings online since most who read don't know you and they are more apt to support you than those who do know you. Ironic but true.. I am very glad I found your blog as you've found mine.. It's great to hear your life since we are so far away from each other. I get to hear about my niece and nephew and the goings on in Florida.. Speaking on niece and nephew.. Give them big kisses from Aunt Lynn.. I sent a bday card to you.. Let me know when it gets there! :)