Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm here. And alive. Been sick since Thursday with a chest cold, horrible cough, and now laryingitis. I'm also too tired to look up the word laryingitis to see if I spelled it right. E is out of town for the week at a school. Today is Dani's last day of school. Yesterday I could not function. I don't know how I was able to drive to the RE's office for my scan. Embryo is definitely there. A little too small for a hearbeat yet. Going back on the 4th. Hoping for a gummy bear. I'm exhausted. A good sign. I have no idea how I am going to get through the next few weeks taking care of Dani while E is at work. Last night she spent the night across the street. I didn't even see her off on the last day of school. I just could not move. I love my neighbor for telling me to pack her a bag and forget about it. I took 5 naps this past weekend, and 2 yesterday. So tired... and happy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Money Post

Things with yesterday's bloodwork looked great. 1858 for 5w2days.

Now onto the topic. Money.

I've been helping a friend get all of her financial affairs in order; mainly because I find it infuriating when people don't balance and reconcile their checkbooks. She has never followed a budget and she has not been paying attention to how she has been spending her money. She has to provide annual financial statements to the local court to prove that she is using her military death benefits in a good way instead of taking advantage of them. She may have to do this because there was no will found. Either way, she has been stressed about this.

Since the beginning of the year I have been reconciling her checkbook for her and being a hardass whenever she goes shopping. She asked me to so I'm not stepping on her toes. I told her that E and I follow a budget and she asked if I could put her on one as well.

When E and I first got married, we had a 3 bedroom apartment that we shared with another married couple. A few months into the arrangement they were looking for another place and getting ready to move out. This kind of caught E and I by surprise and it was going to leave us in a bind because we had all decided to get the place together and split all expenses. It was a bad decision in the first place, but we made it nonetheless. When we found out we were going to be stuck with all the bills ourselves, we sat down with the trusty Microsoft Office Excel program and designed a budget. We had an 'average' column that had numbers of what we thought we would be spending, and then following columns detailed the months of the year, and the numbers that we actually spend in each category.

Categories consisted of 1st and 2nd half months of bills. Power, water, food, entertainment, vehicle payment, gas, phone, insurance, gifts, dining, and miscellaneous. There are more categories, but you get the idea. We programmed all of the equations which means we only have to type in the numbers and everything is done automatically. The amount paid for bills is deducted from the total and residual income and we have an ending balance every month that carries over.

I love following this budget and it makes it very easy for E and me to see exactly how much money we have and where we need to cut back. It also helps us to plan for the future because we can see how much we have left at the end of the month and we can move that directly to savings. It has helped so much and E and I have never had a fight about money (in almost 9 years) or how we are going to pay bills. We are able to keep each other in check and we talk regularly about where we stand and what our next goals should be.

If you don't have a budget, I highly advise starting one. And if you aren't saving for the future, I advise that as well.

What financial quirks have worked or do work for you now?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Let the Incessent and (uneccessary?) worrying begin

Today is probably not the day to post this. But I can't help it. It's my blog dammit and I need to get this out because evidently, E cannot stand any negative talk.

The 2 symptoms that I have, fatique and breast tenderness, are slowly dissipating. I mentioned it to E on Friday that I wasn't as tired as I have been and he kind of bit my head off and told me to "Stop it."

The good side, I've cried so much this morning that now I feel like throwing up.

I have another blood draw tomorrow morning and should have numbers in the afternoon. I really don't like feeling negative, but I can't ignore the changes in my body.

For today though, I am still pregnant. And I am a Mom. And I have a beautiful daughter and fantastic husband to share it with. And I'm going to do my best to enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Follow Up

Numbers are still rising. 203 from yesterday's draw. I'm starting to feel it now, very tired, and groggy. In fact I feel hungover. I have the sorest titties ever.... well, they were this sore with Dani too, but it's been 6 years and it is a memory that I kind of let fade. Thankfully, no morning sickness yet, which is probably due to having a positve test so early on. 4 weeks and 4 days today.

Got more to say, but I just wanted to document this real quick before I forgot.

Friday, May 04, 2007

My First Betas

Leggy asked in the comments what my beta was on the first draw.

Wed. draw was 30.7. Today's was 44.8. We were shooting for 49 but she said don't worry, we do allow for lab error. She wants me back for another draw on Tues.

So, I'm going to enjoy the weekend, relax and not obsess.

I am having the same early on symptoms that I had with Dani so I am a bit more reassured.

I just really want this to work.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Test of the Body

I know that I passed 2 of the 3 tests that I had this week. The jury is still out on that Computer test.

Is that too ambiguous?

Maybe this will clear things up.

I am pregnant.

For now.

Test of the Soul

Finals are done. I am free. I need a break badly. So I am not taking any classes over the summer. I don't want Dani's first summer to be shuffling around to different babysitters and having a stressed out Mommy. Besides, I'm kind of pissed at my school because they set me up with the wrong Associates degree (Science vs. Arts) so I've taken one class to date from them that I didn't need, and 2 from my previous school that won't count. I ask you, what school would make you take Comp1 if you already had taken it? A stupid one, that's what. So, I have an Comp and 2 Maths that are, in my opinion, wasted classes. And to the budding accountant in me, wasted money. It irritates me.

Today was The Test. Not school associated. The Nurse is supposed to call me later this afternoon. I don't know what to expect. I don't have my normal nausea and cramps that usually accompany my PMS. I had 2 huge follicles that they triggered on the 18th. So double the chances right? I'm trying not to be super negative. I just want to protect myself.

I've been thinking a lot lately about when enough will be enough. How far should we go? When do we stop? When do I bury my dreams of having a complete family?

I want to have that magic moment of complete serenity that I can say, "We have everything now. Now, we can move on."

Which, I feel I must reiterate, I am not unsatisfied with my family now. E and I, and now Dani, want to share our love with another child. Dani asks frequently for a brother or sister. She has asked to have Lana's picture in her room so I got her a picture frame. She makes up stories about her family in China. Which, incidently, E loves because he is fascinated with the past life theory. She actually says that we brought her home with us when her parents died.

When it comes to it, I wonder if I can feel satisfied ever. Am I just that pessimistic of a person that I will never be happy? Ever? Can I just accept that we have a family of three? I don't want to. But I also don't know if I am strong enough to do what it takes to become a bigger one.