Thursday, September 14, 2006

Get Me My Tool Belt

I found a beautiful counter height table and chairs last week and since we needed a new table, I bought it. It arrived at the warehouse yesterday so I drove to Pensacola, got lost, picked up the furniture, got lost, called my neighbor to get Dani from the bus, and got home as fast as I could. I got here just a few minutes after the bus, so everyone was still walking down the street. Phew.

E and I spent the evening assembling the chairs (I opted to save myself $100 by picking up the furniture and assembling myself). We got the chairs put together and brought in the table… and had no HARDWARE. I was so mad. I called them this morning. I told them that I had made a special trip into the city yesterday and that I can’t do that everyday. The next truck that comes out will be Tuesday. So, we might go into P’Cola on Saturday but if not, I won’t get to sit at my table until Tuesday. E says we can eat Japanese style.

I slapped him.


Anonymous said...

Cute table! I am feeling your pain with the getting lost and consequently running late picking up Dani. THEN not having the hardware! I think I would have had to scream really loud in an empty room or a room filled with lots of Japanese sitting people. Either one.

Rhonda said...

Yeah, I've actually had that happen before...bought a piece of furniture and it came with NO hardware. Its really annoying. It would be even more annoying if you made a special trip into the city for it.