Monday, August 07, 2006

Homeland Security

When we moved down here, I was driving somewhere…and was behind a minivan. I could tell that the driver was a proud parent. She had those magnetic signs on the back of her van with the names of her kid’s schools and different sports that they played. What really surprised me was that she also had magnets with her kid’s names on them. The first thing that came to my mind was, “Oh my gosh, it would be easy for someone to abduct her children on the street or walking home from school. All they would have to do to verify that they knew who their mother was, describe the vehicle and know what their names were.”

I thought of this again when I was labeling Dani’s backpack and lunchbox for school. I knew that I needed to have her name, but I really didn’t want any more information than that available for anyone who picked up her stuff. So, I wrote the name and address of the school for her things to be returned to.

This week for homework, we are supposed to teach our kids their address. I guess another lesson in the saga of strangers will be due as well. Teaching and trusting independence in your child is hard. I don’t want her to grow up, but I also don’t want to ever feel lost with no way to find her way home.


Anonymous said...

That is scary about the mom with the kids names on the car. We were going to put one of those license plates on my son's bike with his name, but changed our minds. Also another reason I don't share my son's name on my blog.
That's a smart idea about the school address. Never thought of that.

Anonymous said...

My second grader wants to walk to the bus stop alone this year and I just don't feel safe with that. It is sad that moms always have to be scared of stuff.