Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Top 5

I have a couple of things to update. Nothing too exciting, but updates none the less.

No news or info on the CNK. I have told Dani several times that no one can touch her body except Mommy, Daddy, and her doctor and if anyone ever does, she needs to tell us right away. I’ve been telling her every other day or so to make sure she gets the message. At this point she doesn’t seem to be freaked out or worried; in fact she doesn’t even seem to hear me, but I know she is listening. I did appreciate everyone’s input on the situation. Someone who posted anon said that I needed to call Children’s Services and get authorities involved. Believe me, if I felt that this child was a dangerous threat to my daughter or to anyone else’s kid, I would do it in a heartbeat. However, my gut tells me that he has been exposed to something inappropriate but I don’t feel that he is a predator. Second, I don’t really have anything to go to the authorities about. Just my list of things that creep me out. Rest assured that at no time is he out of my sight and/or listening distance when he is at my home. Neither is any other child who is here for that matter. It drives me crazy when I see kids out all day without a parent. I may be slightly overprotective though.

Next topic, I am redoing my kitchen cabinets. They did have a wood finish. They were very nice, but old, so I am giving them a touch up. Actually, I am making them look older. I have crackle finished my cabinet fronts and I am painting the rest of the cabinets a white color. I am contemplating painting my kitchen walls a blue color that matches the countertops. I will have E take some pictures for me so that I can get some input from all of you lovely people.

Third topic, the RE’s office called me back and I have an appt. toward the end of August. I’m just whiling away the days until then. My uterus blew my mind this week. I had my period again after only 35 days. I couldn’t believe it… I haven’t had cycles that close since being on the pill.

Topic four. School starts next week on the 2nd. Besides the obligatory “first day of school picture” how do the rest of you commemorate that special day?

Topic five. This is the worst. It started out great. It was a beautiful day today so my neighbor and I took the kiddos to the beach for the afternoon. We went into the water one last time to rinse off and I got slammed by a wave. I tried desperately to keep my suit bottom from getting pulled out into the Gulf and succeeded… however, my right booby wanted to get some sun. Yes, I flashed the entire beach my right boob. I guess nipple slips are so passé that I had to raise the bar. E was very upset that he missed it.

So what embarrassing moments will all of you treasure from this summer?


Anonymous said...

I think you know when the authorities should be called or not. I don't doubt for one second that you wouldn't call them if the situation called for it. I think the best thing you can do is what you are doing- educating your daughter and keeping your eye out. Perhaps you could get him to talk to you about how his life is at home. That might clue you in.

As far as school starting. I think it is enough excitement to have new outfits, backpacks and school supplies. My kids are always excited for the first day of school. You might purchase a school memory book that you can record stuff in and keep special papers in throughout the year.

Too bad that E missed your flash. I have something embarrasing every day, so I wouldn't know where to begin. Recently though is right after I received my referral I ran to pick up my kids from camp and was such in a daze I didn't notice the back of my shirt was tucked so that my back was all exposed and looked really goofy. Nice,huh?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing what works for you- glad to hear you feel better about the situation.

Re: embarrassing situations. My top one was when I choked on food at the airport, the stewardess asks over the intercom if anyone knows how to do the Heimlich, and 200 people watched as I gagged it back up. Ugh!

Good luck at the RE. I have an endometrial biopsy tomorrow to test my lining and then depending on how dates line up, transfer in either September or October.

Anonymous said...

Me again. I'm not saying "call cause your child is in danger" cause obviously you would! I'm saying "Call casue CNK is in danger." Call on behalf of him. You are so right - he has been exposed to inappropriate activity. Who will help him?

And yes, you do have enough to get a case opened. Your call could be the thing that starts healthy change for him.
