Thursday, March 30, 2006

What's on My Mind

Thank you everyone who gave me advice on being home owners. I really appreciate it. I got a boost of confidence that I was on the right track. Now I have to figure out how to see what schools in the area are good. We are dealing with Florida here, I don’t expect Harvard material but Dani is starting Kindergarten in the fall and I want to make sure she starts out right. I know that parents are the biggest influence in education but I want the school to do its part too. Has anyone considered home schooling?

When Dani was born, I planned on home schooling. I never wanted to let her out of my arms. Now I can’t wait for preschool days. She goes MWF in the afternoons. Not that she’s a bad kid, quite the opposite, but she is very demanding. It’s one of the reasons that I’m sad that she doesn’t have a sibling. She gets really lonely and bored and I’m just not fun to play with. Besides, I’m really excited for her to start school because then I invest in me a little bit. Take some classes, explore my hobbies, and decide which familial route we want to go. There’s a lot that I’m thinking about.

Have I mentioned how much stress there is in moving? It’s really frustrating and what makes it worse is that I am a planner and E is a ride by the seat of his pants kind of guy. I made a folder with all of our papers relating to our move. I was so proud of myself that I made it and when I showed it to him; he shrugged and said, “That’s cool.” He wasn’t nearly as excited as me.

I think spring has finally sprung. The creeks are starting to melt and it’s so nice outside. My left shoulder is killing me, but my driveway is clear and dry!

I am in love with a low carb cheesecake recipe that I found here. I’m not crazy about the crust but the custard is very good. It’s not as rich as a traditional cheesecake which I usually find overwhelming, and I feel like I’m indulging. I also have a really good pizza recipe. The crust is like a cheese quiche instead of bread, if there is interest, I’ll post it with the appropriate references of course.


twirl said...

Ahhh.... the moving folder. I have one too (ok, several, but just one for this move!) I understand the excitement of organization! Like your husband, P was less impressed than I'd hoped.

We just sold and are buying again. Let me know if you want my take on buying for the short term, using the VA, etc. BTDT.

Good luck with your move...

Jennefer said...

Isn't it great when spring comes? I just love it.

As far as homeschooling. I tried that a few times, but I stopped because I was feeling like my son was getting behind, and he was. So you have to be a good teacher. I guess I am not one. Either that or have good resources, which I didn't have.

M and I are the same way about planning. When we move I draw up a floor plan of the new house and then draw in where I want the furniture to go. Then I ask him to look it over. He always says, "Ya...ya... that's fine." However, when we are actually moving the furniture in to the house he wants several things to be put in to different places. I don't think he really even looks at my plans. He doesn't want to think about stuff like that in advance- he only wants to think about it when the furniture is actually coming in to the house. It drives me crazy!! I don't think our men realize how important our planning is to their lives.

Anyway, enough of that. I will have to try that cheesecake recipe. Looks good!!

Rhonda said...

I'm all about any low-carb recipes. I'll have to try that cheesecake recipe out. As far as homeschooling...I know it can be a good cousin was home-schooled when he was young and he just graduated from West Point.