Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I have been absent lately. Been a little busy... well, not really, but any blogging time that I have I end up playing Zulu Gems on Yahoo! Games. I'm addicted to that game. I don't think it's possible to win, but I still can't stop playing it. I get addicted to a new game frequently.

I've also been working on chipping the ice from my driveway. Our driveway has to be 'free and clear of snow and ice' when we have our final house inspection the end of April. Chances are break up will be here by then, but I don't want to risk it.

We went to the World Ice Art Championship Ice Park on Sunday and I have some beautiful sculptures that I want to share with all of you. E is the camera genius and I need him to put all the pics on the computer before I can put them up.

I'm also making lists and going to briefings with E getting ready to move. I'm trying to get Dani's preschool to take our fish so that I don't have to flush them all; the healthy ones anyway. Oh, and I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seats about our goldfish. The poor thing continued to float upside down for a week and I couldn't stand it anymore. E took it outside and buried it in the snow.

I went off my low carb diet for a week and gained back almost 5 pounds. But I'm blaming the Girl Scout Cookies. They are too damned yummy. So, I am back on it. Hopefully the carb withdraw will shock my body into losing again. I plateaued for 4 weeks without any more loss so I got frustrated.

Going to try to take Dani to the gym with me today while I do a Pilates class. My neighbor asked me to go and she's bringing her 4 year old also. I figure I'll bring her Polly Pockets and she'll be a happy camper.

I had a stroke of brilliance this weekend. I have been really concerned on how to keep Dani occupied on a 4000 mile trip. I found read a long books on CD so we can just pop one in and she will be happy. I hope she doesn't get car sick looking at books.

Ok, I have also noticed how several of you have really cool site designs. I think it was Lisa who designed them? I would be interested in learning to do that too. Is it hard? What would be a good book to learn that from?

Pictures coming soon!!


Maggie said...

I haven't seen a single girl scout nor her cookies this year. But that's OK. My butt doesn't need them.

I don't envy your 4000 mile trip. That's a long way for a little kiddo to stay entertained.

A Room to Grow said...

i don't think i could do the low carb diet thing. but i have stayed away from girl scout cookies this year. am i mean when they ask me outside of the grocery store to buy their cookies and i snap back "no"? do they know that their cookies are evil?

Anonymous said...

I would love to do a 4000 mile trip. But with kids it's hard - I'll bet by the end of the trip you'll be able to write a book rating rest stops...

Elle said...

Sadly, I am on my 5th box of thin mints. Worse, I turned down Girl Scouts outside of the Mega Home Improvement store Saturday. I was so ashamed of myself.

It would be I who designs the blogs. send me an email to let me know what you would like.

Jennefer said...

You must be in military housing. Isn't the clean up for those places brutal? I said I would never live in military housing again after our last experience.

Your move is coming soon! Good luck with that. Did I miss where you are going?

The CD on tape is a great idea. We should try that on our next driving vacation (probably Hershey's Park, PA this summer). I am going to write that idea down on my calendar.

We did run into a girl scout table in front of Walmart. We snagged some of the thin mints. They are amazingly bad for you (I determined after reading the label). They don't look like they should be that loaded with fat, etc., but I just ignored the label and ate half a sleeve in one sitting.

I look forward to seeing the photos!

Rhonda said...

Can't wait to see what Elle designs for you! How exciting :)

I hear you on the Girl Scout cookies. They are addictive.