Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Couple, Two, Three Things

Well, my fish is not dead yet. Lisa suggested he has gas…. So, maybe I should squeeze his gut or something. I can see it now, my next entry will be titled, “Fish Farts and Other Random Occurrences”. I hope that I’m not that desperate for things to write about.

Now, on a more serious tangent; I just recently noticed that I reached my one year bloggiversary. Yay me! When I first started, I was very bitter about my ongoing infertility and the loss of my baby 13 months previously. I found great comfort in finding other women who have agonized with similar problems. From infertility, I found adoption blogs, mostly China. I found it very easy to commiserate with these fellow women who ran into irritating people and departments.

Just recently, I have found something that I hadn’t thus far. Fellow families adoption from Russia. I cannot tell you all how much it means to me to have you here with me. I have felt alone for much of this process. Even though we are all suffering (for lack of a better word at the moment) to a degree, I feel much better not being alone. So, I personally want to Thank You Rhonda, Margaret, Jen, and Lisa for checking in with me. I want you all to know that I have been checking in with you also, and I am holding my breath for the next wave of good news.

I don’t know about any of you, but I have some problems with our agency. They are not the best at maintaining communication and I have discovered that it’s not just me. There is another family in the post adoption phase who I have been emailing who mentions some similar issues. It’s too late to switch now, so I just plan to muddle through the new 4 or 5 months and really keep on them to make sure that I know everything that I need to know. So, after we make our trip to Stavropol in April I promise to let you all know everything I can about traveling in Russia and what to expect. I will try to be informative and not all rainbows and sunflowers about how poignant it was to meet our Lana for the first time. Not that I don’t think it will be wonderful, I feel that I owe it to my new, dare I say, friends the knowledge that they may not be getting.

Besides, I’m not a rainbows and sunflowers type of gal.


Elle said...

Liv, I'm glad we all find each other in this great big virtual world. I know I couldn't get through this without this fantastic group of ladies.

Rhonda said...

The support I've received from blogging is awesome. Its been a wonderful experience. So glad you are in our circle of support here.

Jennefer said...

Happy bloggiversary! One year, wow, that is a milestone. I am so glad that you are part of our Russian adoption group of blogger friends- We are all here for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have found a community out here in cyberspace. I've developed a great one in the IF world, hoping to "meet" more people now that we are transitioning to adoption.

Also, as I am currently in agency selection mode right now (hope to decide in next week or two), would appreciate any feedback you have about particular agencies. My email is