Friday, March 03, 2006

Diets Suck

You know you’ve been dieting too long:
- When you dream about eating a bowl of cereal.
- You cry when a Sonic commercial advertises a banana split (this may
also be due to hormones).
- You take a bite of your child’s sugary cereal in the morning and feel like Gollum…
“My Preciousssss”
- Your child tells you with sadness in her voice, “No Thank You, I’m on a diet,” when you
ask her if she wants something to eat.
- You analyze a bag of Cheetos and figure out that 1 Cheeto has approximately 1 carb….
and you wonder if that 1 carb is one that you want to waste.

So, I’m still on my 20 carbs a day regimen. I have had 2 cheat days in the past week. When E came home he was really impressed with the progress I had made so he was willing to endure with me because he wanted to slim down a little bit. I was really glad to have support. I knew it would be difficult to maintain my regimen once he came back. Yesterday he comes home from work and informs me that he isn’t going to do it anymore. I can’t fault him. He did lose close to 10 pounds in a week. I was tired of him always complaining about the food I cooked anyway; something he has never done in 8 years.

I am really bothered by it though. I haven’t really lost anymore weight and I’m discouraged. I am down 15 pounds now. That is halfway to what I wanted. I think my plateau is due to the 2 cheat days and the fact that I am ‘cycling’. Which makes me wonder….I have had 4 periods in 4 months. I think there is something wrong with me. Then when E told me last night that he was stopping, it just kind of burst my bubble. That’s when I cried during the Sonic commercial. I really wanted some ice cream.

I will continue to stick with it though, because this is the only way I have been able to lose weight in 10 years.

I was soooo right about the weather. We have been at a consistent 0 degrees during the day for the past week. At night the temps range from -35 to -20 or thereabouts. We had close to a foot of snow last weekend. For some reason I was very uneasy with the possibility of having an early break up. I guess I’m accustomed to doing Easter Egg hunts in snow drifts.


Elle said...

be careful and avoid the little women in the green dresses then. They'll get you every time.

Can you tell I have Girl Scouts on the brain?

Liv said...

Yeah... it's a little obvious Hon.
I preordered last month so I did my good deed for the cause.

Jennefer said...

It sounds like you need a tropical vacation. Somewhere you can lay out in the warm sun under a couple of palm trees and a nice breeze. A place where they serve gourmet concoctions all calorie-free.

I think we all need that actually. Too bad the adoptions are draining all of our vacation funds.

I guess you could always just tape a caribean post card to your bathroom mirror. It is almost the same.

Rhonda said...

HA! Its funny you posted this. I totally fell off my diet last night. I went carb CRAZY. Now I feel terrible today. I guess I'll just get back on the horse. But I've lost 6 lbs in two weeks, so that's pretty good even with the cheats. I hear ya...would love to eat a bite of cereal!