Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ba- Hum-Ho-Ho

I was not excited about today.

It didn't start out the best.

Dani woke me up about 3 inches from my face whispering, "Mommy, today we are going to the ballet!!"

Ugh.... today my friend A and I were taking our Brownie troop to the local college theater to see the Nutcracker. I wasn't too keen on it because I didn't really know what to expect. I thought the girls (8 of them) would not really appreciate what was going on. I really wasn't too clear on the story myself. I really didn't want my first ballet to be while I was in charge of making sure that 8 precious girls did not lose their way in the throngs of people that were milling around the theater and campus.

But, I committed to this. I got a shower, did my hair, did my makeup. I found a pair of pants that I hadn't worn for 3 years that have been in under-the-bed storage bins. They fit! And I just need to say, my ass didn't even look that good in high school. While I was in the bin, I also found 4 more pairs of pants that I can now fit into. I'm still in 12's, but I am OK with that. I was a 10 in high school and if 12 years later I am only one size bigger, I can't complain. Let alone that it is 2 sizes smaller than 18 months ago.

Anyway, I was getting ready walking around the house with my slammin' ass and E mouth dropping getting ready to go to the ballet.

When we got to the theater, we went to the pit and showed the girls the orchestra and told them that all of the music we would hear would come from here, not a radio. We settled into our seats and waited for the show.

I have to say, I have seen The Nutcracker on TV before during the holidays, but seeing it in person was so much better. I felt exhilerated. I felt romantic. I felt happy. I felt the magic. I could see in every move of the dancers every second of themselves that they have poured into their performance. I loved them for that. To share the 2 hours of their lives that it took for them to show me that beautiful performance. The wonderful music. The sensuality of movement paired with the notes and imagination of a legendary composer.

For someone who really wasn't too excited to go, I was turned around completely. I don't think we need to go over the conflict that I have with the holidays, but today, I was officially converted to the overzealous Christmas wishing, cookie baking, card swapping annoying twit that I hate. But this year, I will mean it. Be forewarned.

If this post seems out of character for me, keep in mind that I have had 3, count 'em 3, glasses of wine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a good time! The ballet sound sterrific. And congrats for getting into your skinny pants!