Wednesday, February 28, 2007

ABC It's easy as 123

I'm only losing my mind a little bit this week with E being gone. Dani is really an awesome child. I don't think I could be luckier, except to have 2 more just like her. But you know the whole "no two alike" saying so that won't happen, but I can always hope that I could get another one 99% like her. Because honestly if I had an obstinate, stubborn, and disrepectful child I would really lose my mind.

It feels surreal having E gone this week. He's been deployed before and he's been on various trips throughout the last 9 years. This time is no different except for I am not feeling abandoned. The last time he was gone was last January for 6 weeks for a school. It was very difficult because it was our last Alaskan winter, we were getting all of our information about Lana, we didn't know if we would have to travel to Russia while he was gone, we were getting ready to move. It was just crazy.

Now, I am just getting through a few nights and Thank Goodness he is still on the same continent as me. And he is only about 12 hours away. And we have none of the crazy stuff going on that we did this time last year. I'm keeping busy with school, Girl Scouts, and doctor's appts. that's for sure.

I had a scan this morning that showed I have a cyst. The nurse didn't seem concerned at all. She said it looked like it was going to start to go away. So maybe she saw that it was packing up it's little overnight bag because nothing exciting ever happens on my ovaries. Or maybe all those budding follicles are just making it too crowded.

Let's talk about education. Dani is learing how to read. Have I mentioned this before? She is in kindergarten and while I knew that schools were teaching things faster than when I was in school, I had no idea that she would really be reading by the time the year was over. It's so exciting.

I heard once that reading is a habit. Once you see letters, you read them. The last few days I have noticed that Dani is reading random words while in passing. Stop. Spot. Tree. Publix. She tried to sound out DVD and CVS until I explained to her that those aren't reading words. We read them by saying their letters.

It's almost magical. Seeing that spark in her eyes when she puts it all together in her beautiful mind. How the shapes that she has know since 18 months are now a language and she can read it. And write with it. In fact, she and E have been writing messages to each other for a few weeks now.

It's a really fun time.


twirl said...

In some ways I think reading is like language explosion when they first learn to talk. It's just amazing to see how much growth there is every day!

Jennefer said...

It is so fun when your kids learn to read- a whole new world opens up.

Sorry that E is gone. I hate it when M goes away for an extended time. I am really hoping he doesn't go to Iraq soon.