Wednesday, August 02, 2006

School Days

*Edited to add photos.

I made it through the first day of school without my heart breaking completely. Dani had no problems this morning. When that bus came around the corner she literally squealed in delight. When the doors opened, she ran to the line to get on. She found a seat at the back of the bus and I could see her looking at everyone around her; except out of the window at me waving until my arm wanted to fall off.

E went to work late so that he could see her off on the first day. When we got back to the house we both cried. How can she be ready for this? Why are we not? How can she be so prepared?

Then I thought about it. E and I have been preparing her for this day for 5 years. So, I’m proud. I’m super proud of her. She lights up my day… every day. We went to orientation yesterday and she was so happy to meet her teacher. None of the kids seemed happy to be there. Dani went right up to them, asked them their names, and told them hers. E and I realized that she did NOT get the congeniality gene from either of us.

I guiltily had a nice quiet day. I got my nails done for E’s induction ceremony tomorrow night. Is it sad that the only dates we ever have are because of an Air Force function? I went to an antique shop and took some photos of a table that I fell in love with this weekend. I tried to get my FL driver’s license but they needed my marriage license which I don’t carry with me everywhere I go. Then I went to a big home improvement store and came home.


Tiff said...

Aww, it sounds like it was a tough but good day. She sounds like a great little girl. I hope she enjoyed her first day.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you guys start school so early. We don't start for another 5 weeks or so. I'm glad that it was not as tough as you thought. Hope her first day was great.

Maggie said...

D looks adorable... and so excited for school!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so sweet. E even stayed late to see her off and then you all cried. I think M and I were throwing a party when our youngest was finally in school full time. I feel so guilty now.