Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I’m starting to feel a little better. Thanks Jen and Margaret for your insight. Margaret, I could really relate to what you said. It made me feel a lot better, like God doesn’t have some kind of vendetta against me. I believe that human error or interference has a lot to do with hardships that we have to endure. You stated it so well, that I got it.

On to other things; one week until my RE appt. I’m scared and excited. I think I am also PMSing which doesn’t help. That may be why I was so depressed the other day. My body does wonderful things to me. My PMS mimics early signs of pregnancy. Currently my boobs hurt, I’m nauseous, my stomach is very tender and hard, and I’m gagging on my toothbrush. I’m also very moody and my clothes are a smidge tight. I think if I were accustomed to having a normal cycle it wouldn’t phase me, but the 10 year infertile in me grasps onto those signs as hope. I should really know better than that. It’s my secret wish to go into the RE office and already be pregnant.

I haven’t told you all about my most recent escapade have I? Well, I enrolled in classes and I am going to get my AA in Accounting. While working with the counselor I discovered that I only need 2 classes besides the 10 core classes for the degree. So depending on how heavy I want my class load to be, I could finish within a year. I bought my books yesterday, which was difficult. $250 on 2 books just about killed me. Thankfully the tuition at this school is not too expensive so it kind of balances out but man… that’s a lot. My first class starts next Monday.

I got an email last night from my sister in law….it seems that she has started a blog on blogspot. This makes me a little nervous. I am going to take down the post that I wrote about them so that just in case she finds me, she won’t get mad. Not that I wrote anything that wasn’t true, I just don’t want to hurt her feelings. Her topic; unschooling. What the heck is that?

Well that’s it for me; I need to eat something before I throw up. Peace out.


Maggie said...

Glad you're feeling better! I still have down days about Peanut now and then. I think you and I will always miss our Russian kids. We're united in that.

Good luck at the RE!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the schooling plan!! I am taking school Fall too. So we can suffer together. I hope things go well with your RE apt!

Blogging is hard sometimes because potentially any one you ever knew could find it. I am still waiting for an old friend to find me and leave embarrasing comments about my past.

Elle said...

I'm sorry I didn't read your earlier post about faith. You got me thinking again though. I might have to do a Faith and Grace post. It helps on occasion to hear about others faith. Believing or not. It helps you shape your own faith. It is a journey much like adoption. Tread carefully, but go with your whole heart. Kind of an oxymoron, but it works.

Best of luck with the RE.