Friday, August 25, 2006

Home Conception a Go-Go

I’m a bad blogger, I know. But honestly, I’ve never really been a good one.

So, yesterday’s visit to the RE left me…encouraged. He gave us the choice of running tests on lots of things that could be wrong, or follow the protocol that has worked in the past and go from there. So, we chose to follow what has worked in the past. I left the office having had an ultrasound (I evidently have huge ovaries. I told the RE that’s because my eggs never leave), a review of our history (E has enough sperm to populate a small country), and scripts that will get us started on our conception, heretofore known as ‘making cookies’. E and I already make a lot of cookies and on days 12-16, we will be making cookies everyday.

The RE suggested that we use an ovulation predicting kit. I have never used one before, because what was the point? I never knew how long my cycle would be, so I never had any idea when I would ovulate. So while we were waiting for the scripts to be filled at the pharmacy I was scouting out OPKs. I found one that tested saliva. Evidently, when you ovulate there is estrogen in your saliva. When the saliva dries and you look at it under a microscope the estrogen will cause saliva to dry in a fern-like pattern. Fascinating. I still went with a urine test because using saliva just didn’t seem like it would be that reliable. But if it were, that would be great. Spit is so much easier to clean off of your hands than pee, and it’s not quite so gross.

E and I also tackled another home project this week. A few weeks ago I fell in love with this 1930’s Belgian work table. This mutha was 7 feet long. Perfect for what we wanted; which was to use it as our home office. It could hold both of our computers and have lots of room for paperwork. The only problem was that E did not want to pay the $900 price tag.

E got inspired and said that he would like to build me one. I was very hesitant. Neither of us knows much about building furniture but I went along with it. I went back to the store, took some pictures of the construction and E and I made our building plan. This is how it ended up.

I love it. It came out so well and we had it done in 2 days. We also had a lot of fun. E excels at planning and I can spot the middle of a 7 foot plank within a quarter of an inch. He thinks I’m the bomb. The best part? This handy home project had a price tag under $200 including sandpaper and stain. We only used 5 tools, a hammer, tape measurer, saw, drill, and nails. Cuz I wanted it old school.


Anonymous said...

Good luck "making cookies"- hope its successful. The desk looks great!

Anonymous said...

I hope you keep feeling encouraged on your pathway to more children!

Love the desk- You guys work together well!