Sunday, July 16, 2006

I's Purty Smart, Ain't I?

*Slight update on the CNK. He has been lying to us about his age. He is not 8, only 6 ½.*

I think that if any of you knew me, you may find me a little annoying. I love to cook, clean my house, raise my daughter and decorate my house to look like the inside of a magazine, though the last is far from true at this point. I even enjoy dieting because I get to cook two different dinners; one for E and Dani and the other for me. I just love cooking.

I manage all the money in our house, keep on top of the bills to a point that almost annoys E, and I am always making new plans on paying off our loans earlier.

But I had my shining moment today. Before I sound like a complete dimwit, I need to give some background. We have not had a house phone for 3 years. We have only had our cell phones.

So, I had called NW4B to ask if they would like to come over for dessert. They were busy and didn’t answer the phone so I Ieft a message with my request.

So, I call another friend and invite her and her girls to Dani’s birthday party next weekend. Then this beeping starts and I almost ask her is she has another call, because I hear beeping on the line. But I am the one getting the call. But I don’t know how to switch over because it’s a brand new phone and I don’t know how all the buttons work. I can see on the caller ID that it is my neighbor. So I’ll just call her back.

When I get done, I do so, and NW4B says they will be down in a little while.

Fast forward to when we are having dessert and NW4B asks if she listened to my voicemail.

“I have voicemail?”

“I didn’t know I had voicemail.”

“Is that why my dial tone sounds weird whenever I pick up the phone?”

So, after they left, E calls to check our voicemail and he has to set up the password and everything. He checks our voicemail and there are 3 messages. Two from my aunt, who called on the 3rd of July, and one from NW4B.

I felt so stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you want to come to my house to cook? I greatly dislike cooking, so you are welcome over any time!

We only have cell phones too- no land line. It has its advantages and disadvantages. The best being you don't pay for a land line you don't use and the worst being the kids not hearing or answering their phone when home alone (our oldest can babysit) because the phone is left in some remote room and no one can hear it.