Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The 112

This week, I am thankful for every annoying decible that comes out of Dani's mouth. Because that means she is alive.

I am thankful for all kisses and hugs that I got from E because that means I am alive.

I am thankful for the food that I've eaten... I mean HELLO... have you seen my fat ass? Because that means I am not in a coma.

I am thankful for my old, stinky dog. Because she is beautiful.

I'm thankful for my friends who threw a "Celbration of Life" party for me this past weekend.

I'm thankful for my home, my school, my life. I'm thankful for my mind, my health, my lack of need. I'm thankful for my internet friends who have been blessed with growing familes.

I really am trying to find the positive side of everything since my accident.

However, I am not thankful for my negative pregnancy test today. That makes 112 months that I have wanted to be pregnant.

I'm looking at Dani playing outside and knowing in my heart that it will all be worth it. We appreciate things more when we work harder to achieve them. So it stands to reason that when we bring our second baby home, he or she will be as loved and appreciated as Dani is because we have been reminded how precious and rare human life could be.

This growing up thing is very hard. Trying to stay positive is very hard. Trying to keep focus is almost impossible.

Loving my life and family takes no effort at all.


DD said...

Oh, crap. Sorry to hear about the negative. I'm glad I have the distraction to keep me from staring and willing the second line. Hearing my son talk, giggle, play, yell, cry, whatever is enough to snap me back into the moment.

Elle said...

I am so sorry to hear another negative. Hugs.

Jennefer said...

Don't give up! It will happen! One way or another!