Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Beginning

Greetings All,

This is my first post. I have been searching for quite some time for something that would help me feel useful. I have a lot of ideas and frustrations that I have no venue to express. I hope that this will be a tool that aids in that expression. I also hope that it spurs some rational thought in anyone who reads this. I hope to inspire people and to let other people like me realize that they aren't alone in their thoughts and feelings.

Let me start by telling a little about myself. I have been married to my husband for 6 1/2 years. We have a three year old daughter who in our opinion is amazing. Currently, we are going through an international adoption with Russia to expand our family. There will be much more on the topic of family so I won't go into depth now.

I am a stay at home mom, the hardest job I will ever love. For some families this choice is a controversy but for us, it was a given. My husband is in the military, of which I will not discuss so much right now, but I am proud of him regardless of my opinions of the military role in the world.

My husband and I were actually up late last night discussing current events and in our discussion he told me that if I did have a blog, he would certainly read it. We are very fortunate to have similar interests and we have some of the best discussions.

I am a very spiritual person, though the past few years this part of myself has suffered. We don't attend a church of any kind, but the presence of a Higher Power is one that I believe in. I have many interests in all realms of spirituality ranging from Native American to Modern Christianity. I love nature so Wicca is also an interest to me. However, like church, I do not actively participate in any rituals or ceremonies.

Currently we live in Alaska. What can I say about Alaska.... it is absolutely beautiful from May to September, then it is white.... and cold. For someone who enjoys being outside this is very difficult. I find myself cooped up in the house for days at a time with little to do except watch TV and play computer games. Not very fulfilling in any respect but it does pass the days away.

I feel the need to contribute to my family in some monetary way, but I don't want to work outside of the home. I love staying at home with my daughter, and our finances are not in a position where we need extra income. We are comfortable though far from rich. I manage the money in our household and it works very well for us.

I'm not sure of the exact format that I want to have for this site, so it until I do, my posts will be quite random in structure. I have a lot of ideas, spanning a broad spectrum, so I'm sure there will be something of interest for lots of people.

1 comment:

daisytex said...


I've just started out too, and I want to wish you good luck and good blogging!