Friday, March 06, 2009

6 Months

I'm so far behind in everything. I cannot wait until my classes are over. Anyway, here is the Squirt's 6 month post.

He is so much fun. He is sweet, cuddly, excitable, happy, sensitive, and demanding all rolled into one 16 pound package. He is still not impressed with baby food. He enjoys wearing it more than anything else.
I call this "Toe Jam..... Prune to be Exact."
He still doesn't like to be on his stomach, but he will tolerate it for a few minutes.

And I got these beautiful pictures.

See how happy he is? He really is like that 90% of the time. And, in turn, so are we.
Milestones this month. Consonant sounds 'b', 'm'. He loves to latch onto my face. He grabs ahold of my face on each side and clamps onto my chin with his gaping mouth. When he sees someone he recognizes over my shoulder I feel his little fingers clamp onto me in delight. He also beams this wonderful smile at whoever he is looking at. That is a sure-fire way to get Daddy to come back into the room. He has discovered his voice and he LIKES it. He also pulls a blanket off of his face to play peek a boo but he hasn't figured out that he can put it there if he wants to.
He stopped breastfeeding completely. I had no choice but to get over it. At least on the outside. I'm still a little sad. But honestly, its nice to have my body back again. Which incidently, feels as if it is falling apart.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

He is getting so big.. What beautiful photos of him.. He looks so happy. Wish we lived closer so we too can watch him grow.. Give hugs and kisses to both kids for us..